Lessons learned from 'Family housing for the future' build as low energy buildings

For this project, nine low-energy houses were evaluated to gather experience about their energy performance and the residents' experience with living in the houses. The project examined the technical conditions for performance of the buildings, use of energy and water, as well as indoor climate. Also, a questionnaire and interview survey was carried out among residents. Results showed that average energy consumption was 30% above the level in the initial energy calculation. Generally, residents were satisfied with their houses. However, some residents found it difficult to adjust the heating system and indoor climate of the house and thought the house was too warm in the summer.

Project description

'Family housing for the future' features houses that complies with the demands outlined in the Danish building regulations for low energy buildings class 1 and 2. All houses have also got the Nordic environmental label 'Swan-label' and do thereby fulfil a number of supplementary environmental criteria. The estate of 'Family housing for the future' comprise 64 one family houses and 12 semidetached apartments. All unique prototypes developed by 24 companies of architects and contractors. 'Family housing for the future' thus demonstrates the decisions of the construction industry when faced with the demands outlined for low energy buildings. The demands for low energy buildings class 2 are expected to be adopted for all buildings in the next revision of the energy saving guidelines in the Danish building regulations. Therefore this housing project will demonstrate a number of challenges and solutions for the next generation of one family houses. Therefore, the primary aim for the project is to document lessons learned to guide future revisions of the building regulations, expected in 2010 and 2015. The experience comprises energy use, thermal envelope, heating and ventilation. Families that are living in the houses will fill in a questionnaire on user habits and indoor climate to supplement the factual data collected. This experience will, during and after the evaluation process, be a subject for discussion among a wider group of housing and construction specialists. The results will likewise influence future revisions of the tool for energy calculations (Be06) as well as the revision of construction guidelines concerning choice of building elements and joints for the thermal envelope

For this project, nine low-energy houses were evaluated to gather experience about their energy performance and the residents' experience with living in the houses. The project examined the technical conditions for performance of the buildings, use of energy and water, as well as indoor climate. Also, a questionnaire and interview survey was carried out among residents. Results showed that average energy consumption was 30% above the level in the initial energy calculation. Generally, residents were satisfied with their houses. However, some residents found it difficult to adjust the heating system and indoor climate of the house and thought the house was too warm in the summer. (Energy 11)

Key figures

2007 - 2010
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.75 mio. DKK
1.16 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
61 %
Project budget:
1.91 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Erfaringsopfølgning på lavenergibyggeri klasse 1 og 2 med 'Fremtidens Parcelhuse' som eksempel
Energy efficiency
Case no.


Det Grønne Hus (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Kristensen, Lars Energitjenesten
Comtact information
Det Grønne Hus
Vestergade 3 C
DK-4600 Køge, Danmark
Kristensen, Lars Energitjenesten, 56676070; 36986135, kontakt@detgroennehus.dk; lk@energitjenesten.dk
Øvr. Partnere: Aalborg Universitet. Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut (SBi); Teknologisk Institut