Frame conditions, innovation and growth opportunities in the energy area

Institut for Planlægning, Innovation og Ledelse (DTU Management)

The objective of this project is to analyse the framework conditions for development of energy technologies in Denmark through an innovation perspective. The project is an analytical contribution to the discussion of development and possible improvements of the framework conditions and public-private interplay in the energy area. Moreover, the project provides new insight in Danish energy innovation in general and in development dynamics on individual technology areas.

Project description

The objective of the project is to analyse the frame conditions for development of energy technology in Denmark through an innovation and development perspective. The project is an analytical contribution to the discussion of the opportunities for energy technology development and the possible further improvement of frame conditions and public-private interplay in the energy area. The project will lead to considerable new insight in energy innovation and development dynamics in specific technology areas as well as generally. A direct occasion for the project is that the Danish Government in its Energy Strategy 2025 says that 'The Government will analyse the frame conditions for development of Danish energy technology in order to strengthen the innovative capabilities and the growth conditions for Danish companies with focus on among other things promotion of technology development in a public/private interplay'. It is this challenge that is taken up by the project. Conceptually the project employs a social science, innovation theory perspective; more precisely an innovation systems approach adjusted for the specific purpose. Empirically, departure is taken in the innovation dynamics, knowledge flows, competences etc. in five selected technology areas: bio fuels, hydrogen technology, wind power technology, solar cells, and energy efficient end-use technologies. In addition to this a broader questionnaire survey across the energy sector and its different actor groups is carried out. The connections between international and national aspects of the innovation dynamics are analysed. Whether there exists an actual, fully coherent energy innovation system, homogeneous across technology areas, or the conditions are highly diverse and varying between technology areas, is one of the interesting open questions that the project investigates.


Main elements of the analysis are in-depth studies of innovation dynamics and framework conditions on five selected technology areas - all strategic priority areas within Danish energy research and development. The areas are: bio energy, hydrogen technology and fuel cells, wind power technology, solar cells, and energy efficient end-use technologies. Another main element is a broad questionnaire survey across the energy sector and its different actor groups. More than 300 organisations answered the questionnaire. The main results of the project are a.o. that 1) the Danish energy innovation system and the framework conditons for development of energy technologies on many points are well-developed and not immature in general. 2) The energy technology industry is one of the most important industries in Denmark with large export and innovativeness that is higher than in the manufacturing industry in general. 3) Despite EU, internationalisation and globalisation and despite significant international connections, the energy innovation system is anchored primarily on the domestic level. Strengthening of the framework conditions and ambitious competences and goals on Danish level is therefore required to maintain a strong Danish energy technology development. 4) The technology areas differ significantly with respect to innovation dynamics, competence bases, actors, etc. and it is therefore needed that policy efforts to some extent are adjusted to the individual technology areas. Among the more detailed conclusions are e.g. that stop-go tendencies in the R and D support should be reduced; that the balance between application-based knowledge (learning-by-doing) and science-based knowledge can be improved in some of the technology areas; and that the pronounced traditions for public/private interaction and for cross-going collaboration and discussion are an important stronghold of Danish energy innovation.

Key figures

2006 - 2009
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.28 mio. DKK
1.90 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
87 %
Project budget:
2.18 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Rammebetingelser, innovationsevne og erhvervsmæssige vækstbetingelser på energiområdet
Case no.


Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) (Main Responsible)


Borup, Mads
Comtact information

Øvr. Partnere: Aalborg Universitet; Energi Industrien; Imperial College (GB); Chalmers Tekniska Högskola (SE)
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