Ultra-low-energy houses and passiv houses in Stenløse South

The Stenløse South project is seen as a forerunner project by many (if not most) of the municipalities in Denmark and many of these has visited the site and the municiplaity or has invited representatives from Egedal municipality to learn about the many experiences from the process around Stenløs South development, in order for these to be used in many new development of settlements in the country.


As of 1st October 2004 Stenløse Municipality Started the sale of a new plot of land - Stenløse South - the first phase comprising 250 dwellings plus kindergarten and senior dwellings. The municiplaity had decided to require that all buildings are constructed to a standard with a net energy load for room heating to below 30-34 kWh/m2/y. 70% of the buildings of phase 1 have now been completed according to the reauirements from the municipality. Besides dwelling also a Kindergarten has been designed and constructed with a net heating demand of 25 kWh/m2/y. The project has contributed to identify and solve the many problems encountered in this process by all the involved parties: from the municipality, the builders, the consultants, the contractors. Everyone claim that they have learned a lot from the process and that it has been a success. In the next phases of the settlement development the requirement is low-energy class 1, but everyone has decided to build with a net space heating demand of 25 kWh/m2/y (which is the requirement to become support from the EU-CONCERTO project Class 1, which has been intiated as a follow-up project for these phases). The Stenløse South project is seen as a forerunner project by many (if not most) of the municipalities in Denmark and many of these has visited the site and the municiplaity or has invited representatives from Egedal municipality to learn about the many experiences from the process around Stenløs South development, in order for these to be used in many new development of settlements in the country.

Key figures

2005 - 2007
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.42 mio. DKK
1.47 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
78 %
Project budget:
1.89 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Ultra-lavenergibyggeri og passiv-huse i Stenløse Syd
Energy efficiency
Case no.


Egedal kommune (Main Responsible)


Andersen, Bruno
Comtact information

Øvr. Partnere: Cenergia Energy Consultants; Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut; DONG; Agenda21Center