Concepts for heating BR2005 buildings (phase 1 - pilotproject)

This pre-project contributes to the development of future systems for room heating and production/distribution of domestic hot water. Focus is on systems having the lowest possible environmental impact, low energy consumption and unchanged good comfort and reasonable user-economy.

Project description

The pre-project will contribute to the development of future systems for room heating and producing/distribution of domestic hot water. The main result is to accumulate a priorised list of development needs concerning systems, components and matching design tools. The project involves central industries. The main project contains two parts of which the results are coordinated: A. suggesting principles for the new/improved heating systems in BR2005 (the future Danish building code), which result in the lowest possible environmental impact as well as a low energy consumption and are able to keep good comfort and reasonable user-economy. The primary focus will be on heating facilities for smaller buildings which are built in areas with collective supply-systems such as district heating or natural gas, including low-dense built areas and detached houses. B. suggesting new/improved principles for the supply of low-dense built areas and detached houses with energy efficient production and distribution of domestic hot water. The goal is to give inspiration to the design of energy effecient future systems (new systems and renovation) with energy saving at 30-40% without reducing the comfort or hygienic situation. The goal is to increase the system efficiency typically from less than 50 % to around 80 %. The savings are estimated to approx. 2,5 mill. MWh in Denmark (0,5 MWh each person). The results of the project are immediately directed towards the BR2005, but according to the matter the project contains a much longer perspective in time


The primary focus was on heating facilities for smaller buildings which are build in areas with collective supply-systems such as district heating or natural gas, including low-dense built areas and detached houses. The project has involved important industries acting in the area. Efficiency of the heating- and DHW installations is compared to the heating demand. In houses built according to the Danish '2005 Building Code', but with traditionally made installations, the system efficiency was calculated to 0,67 worst case (installation outside the building envelope) and 0,79 best case (small row houses with circulating DHW). In similar houses but with improved installations and the rooms better arranged the system efficiency was calculated to 0,8 - 0,94. The results show good possibilities for improving the efficiency of the installations without increasing the costs significantly. A short view was put on installations in some foreign countries and on the problems with Legionella. The project has moreover gained experience from the manufactures, consultants and building owners. In the last chapter the project partners explain how they see the possibilities for developing the installations. Different kinds of systems are described a/o regarding that the heating demand decreases, making an increase in the costs pr heat unit (kWh) if the price on the installations are not reduced. Principles for the new/improved heating systems in BR2005 (the future Danish building code) are suggested as well as the need for R and D. One main result is a list of development needs concerning systems, components and related design tools. Ideas for a phase 2 of the project are briefly described in the last part of the report

Key figures

2000 - 2001
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.33 mio. DKK
0.40 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
55 %
Project budget:
0.73 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Opvarmningskoncepter til BR 2005 bygninger (fase 1 - forprojekt)
Energy efficiency
Project type
Case no.


Teknologisk Institut (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Radisch, Niels
Comtact information
Teknologisk Institut. Energi
P.O. Box 141
DK-2630 Taastrup, Denmark
Radisch, Niels (ing.), 72202000,
Øvr. Partnere: Esbensen Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S; Teknologisk Institut. Energi; Teknologisk Institut. Miljø; Grundfos A/S; Danfoss A/S; Frese A/S; Metro Therm A/S; Boligselskabet KAB