HyProvide Large-scale alkaline electrolyser (MW)

The project objectives are to develop and demonstrate a concept for large-scale MW electrolysers for gas turbines and synthetic fuel production for the purpose of verifying that it is possible to increase current production capacities into Megawatt sizes.

The project objectives was to develop and demonstrate a concept for large-scale MW electrolysers for gas turbines and synthetic fuel production for the purpose of verifying that it was possible to increase current production capacities into Megawatt sizes.
Project description

The overall objective is to develop a concept for large-scale alkaline electrolysers (Megawatt size) for hydrogen production. The target is to create a scalable modular electrolysis plant in the range from 125 Normal cubic metres pr. hour (Nm3/h) to 1000Nm3/h. This project serves of the first of three phases in the product development, and the purpose of this phase is thus to verify that it is possible to increase the production capacity of GreenHydrogen's current electrolysers into MW size. The project focus area is development of the first generation of the modular concepts with focus on the electrolysis stack, including design of a prototype for verification of the design end concept. The primary applications for this product include 1) underground hydrogen storage for later use in gas turbines and 2) hydrogen for production of gaseous and liquid synthetic fuels as methane, methanol, and DME (substitute for diesel), 3) onsite hydrogen generation for major refuelling stations and 4) hydrogen for industrial processes


The overall objective of the project is to develop a concept for large-scale alkaline electrolys-ers (megawatt size) for hydrogen production. The target is to create a scalable electrolysis plant in the range from 125Nm3/h to 1000Nm3/h, e.g. for storage of energy from renewable sources. The major achievement of the project is the development of a high-efficiency, low-cost and modular electrolyser unit with a hydrogen production capacity of 60 Nm3/h at a power consumption of about 250 kilowatt. At the time of project completion the unit has been successfully operated in the laboratory for several thousand hours. The modular nature of the electrolyser unit makes it ideal for hydrogen production plants with capacities in the range of 60 Nm3/h to 1000Nm3/h. The electrolyser unit has been demonstrated to several potential customers, who have all given positive feedback.

Key figures

2011 - 2015
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
16.91 mio. DKK
20.84 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
55 %
Project budget:
37.75 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
HyProvide Large-scale alkaline electrolyser (MW)
Brint and fuelcells
Project type
Case no.



Green Hydrogen Systems A/S (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Green Hydrogen Systems A/S 10,42 mio. DKK 8,61 mio. DKK
Hydrogen Innovation and Research Center, HIRC 2,45 mio. DKK 0,51 mio. DKK
Siemens A/S 4,82 mio. DKK 7,23 mio. DKK
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) 3,14 mio. DKK 0,56 mio. DKK


Jensen, Jørgen K.
Comtact information

Finsensvej 3
DK-7430 Ikast
Jensen, Jørgen K. , 41951612, jkj@greenhydrogen.dk
Øvr. Partnere: Siemens A/S; Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU); Hydrogen Innovation and Reseach Centre