Asterix 3 - further development of micro combined heat and power production

The purpose is to develop residential micro combined heat and power (muCHP) systems based on solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) technology iinto a reliable, efficient, robust, quality product that can enter the market at a competitive price. Achieving these objectives will enable us to demonstrate a residential muCHP concept fulfilling market requirement

The project is part of an EU project, and aims to further develop a micro combined heat and power plant on 1kWe for use in a one family housing based on Solid Oxidebrændselsceller (SOFC). The project's main objective is to increase the lifespan, reliability and robustness of the system, develop a fully automated control system, and achieve a reduction of volume and price for the plant and finally improve both the thermal and electrical efficiency.

The project has developed and optimized a proof-of-concept micro combined heat and power plant of 1 kW electricity based on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC). The specific technical goals for life, reliability, ruggedness, features and more is reached in a number of, but not all, areas. Among other things, earned an electrical efficiency of over 40% (calculated) and 4000 hours operation of the plant. In addition, added burner and heat storage into the system, which can also provide power to the grid. During the project it is found that SOFC technology is still very immature.

It has been a very technically focused project that has aimed to make the technology ready for the demonstration, and there have been short-term commercial goals. The knowledge created in the project, the Danish participant use in connection with the continued development of micro CHP plants based on low-temperature PEM fuel cells.

EU's Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking program (FCH JU) has been hovedsponser to the project and EUDP has given additional support to the Danish participant, Dantherm Power.

Key figures

2010 - 2015
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
6.68 mio. DKK
1.16 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
10 %
Project budget:
11.62 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Asterix 3 - Videreudvikling af mikrokraftvarme
Brint and fuelcells
Case no.



Ballard Europe (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Ballard Europe 1,16 mio. DKK 5,53 mio. DKK


Balslev, Per
Comtact information

Dantherm Power A/S
Majsmarken 1
DK-9500 Hobro

Contact email