Increase and regulation of biogas production

The objective is to demonstrate on existing centralised biogas plants how biogas production can be increased and regulated by supplying solid fractions from manure and storable plant material according to variations in energy demands throughout daily hours (experimental) and the year (full scale demonstration), and its economic potential. The use for pre-separeated manure fibres and storable plant material is demonstrated at 4 existing centralised biogas plants. The full scale demonstration efforts are backed by lab and pilot scale trials at Aarhus University's R&D plant in Foulum in order to clarify the limits for regulation of production and gaining experience about organic load, retention times e.g. which is important information for the full scale demonstration. Gained experience from the demonstration activities is analysed and economically perspectivated by FØI, University of Copenhagen. An update on economic potential of centralised biogas plants including this new technology is elaborated and disseminated, in order to complete the effect of the demonstration activities. Project output is disseminated in close cooperation with Danish Biogas Plant Association, which organises several annual seminars for key actors in the biogas business. Main dissemination takes place at these seminars, and plant visits are organised in connection with the seminars

The project has made a significant contribution to the demonstration of technologies for feeding solid biomass into biogas plants in order to replace organic industrial waste. The three participating biogas companies have chosen very different technical solutions.

A main experience has been that a number biomass types may contain stones and metal parts, and that it is very important that the feeding system can handle this kind of compounds, especially if deep litter is to be used. The so far most successful system was installed by Bånlev Biogas, where deep litter is mixed with slurry and stirred in a small primary tank in which objects can sink to the bottom without major problems.
The timing of the project has been good, as simultalneously considerable interest for using deep litter has emerged within the biogas business. It seems that the preferred method is to stirr deep litter with manure in a tank before pumping into the digesters
One of the questions that arose along the way, it is the one about the need for crushing or shredding of solid biomass. Both Linkogas and Bånlev have concerns about increasing volumes without further pretreatment, as they fear building of floating layer in the digesters. Both plants consider additional investments in equipment for shredding. Vegger, which is the third company in the project decided, based on the same considerations, to purchase a newly developed chain crusher from the Danish
company, Xergi .
Aarhus University has investigated the possibility of seasonal and daily regulation of biogas production using alternative solid biomass types. The results show that especially seasonal adjustment is possible by increasing the feeding of for example deep litter during winther seasons. Not all solid biomass is equally suitable, for example, large amounts of fiber fraction from pig manure may lead to process inhibition due to high concentrations of nitrogen. Production “on-demand” is also possible, but it requires more easily digestible resources such as corn silage or sugar beets. If such biomasses are used the possibilities of production regulation will be defined by the upper limit for dry matter handling in the plant

Key figures

2010 - 2014
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
4.21 mio. DKK
4.40 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
50 %
Project budget:
8.81 mio. DKK


Bio and waste
Case no.



Københavns Universitet (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Københavns Universitet 0,66 mio. DKK 0,22 mio. DKK
Aarhus Universitet 0,64 mio. DKK 0,19 mio. DKK
LINKOGAS A.M.B.A. 1,03 mio. DKK 1,27 mio. DKK
Baanlev Biogas 1,03 mio. DKK 1,27 mio. DKK


Hjort-Gregersen, Kurt
Comtact information

Københavns Universitet. Fødevareøkonomisk Institut. Afdelingen for Produktion og Teknologi
Rolighedsvej 25
DK-1958 Frederiksberg C
Hjort-Gregersen, Kurt , 35336800,
Øvr. Partnere: Aarhus Universitet. Det Jordbrugsvidenskabelige Fakultet; Baanlev Biogas A/S; Linkogas Amba; Vester Hjermitslev Energiselskab; Vegger Energiselskab

Contact email