Large scale PV plants - also in Denmark

Large scale PV plants are increasingly established in EU countries, but so far not in Denmark. The project has described the advantages and disadvantages of large scale PV plants in Denmark. It has investigated and analysed the potential for such plants and provided recommendations for barrier removal, the target group being potential investors and developers.

Large scale PV (LPV) plants, plants with a capacity of more than 200 kW, has since 2007 constituted an increasing share of the global PV installations. In 2009 large scale PV plants with cumulative power more that 1,3 GWp were connected to the grid. The necessary design data for LPV plants in Denmark are available or can be found, although irradiance data could be improved. There seems to be very few institutional barriers for LPV projects, but as so far no real LPV projects have been processed, these findings have to be regarded as preliminary. The fast growing number of very large scale solar thermal plants for district heating applications support these findings. It has further been investigated, how to optimize the lay-out of LPV plants. Under the Danish irradiance conditions with several winter months with very low solar height PV installations on flat surfaces will have to balance the requirements of physical space - and cost, and the loss of electricity production due to shadowing effects. The potential for LPV plants in Denmark are found in three main categories: PV installations on flat roof of large commercial buildings, PV installations on other large scale infrastructure such as noise barriers and ground mounted PV installations. The technical potential for all three categories is found to be significant and in the range of 50 - 250 km2. In terms of energy harvest PV plants will under Danish conditions exhibit an overall efficiency of about 10 % in conversion of the energy content of the light compared to about 0,3 % for biomass. The theoretical ground area needed to produce the present annual electricity consumption of Denmark at 33-35 TWh is about 300 km2 The Danish grid codes and the electricity safety regulations mention very little about PV and nothing about LPV plants. It is expected that LPV plants will be treated similarly to big wind turbines. A number of LPV plant scenarios have been investigated in detail based on real commercial offers and the associated levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) has been found to be in the range of DKK 1 - 1,16 per kWh. With the present wind turbine tariff at around DKK 0,60/kWh the economics in isolation present a bleak picture for LPV. However, over the last four decades the learning curve of the PV technology exhibits a cost reduction of about 20 % for every doubling of the production volume, and there is nothing to indicate that this learning curve trend will not continue in the coming two decades leading to increasing competitiveness for LPV in Denmark.

Key figures

2009 - 2011
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.19 mio. DKK
0.57 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
75 %
Project budget:
0.76 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Store solcelleanlæg – også i Danmark!
Project type
Case no.



PA Energy A/S (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
PA Energy A/S 0,27 mio. DKK 0,09 mio. DKK
SiCon v/Jan Vedde 0,31 mio. DKK 0,10 mio. DKK


Ahm, Peter
Comtact information
PA Energy Ltd.
Snovdrupvej 16
DK-8340 Malling
Ahm, Peter , 86933333,
Øvr. Partnere: SiCon ApS
Contact email