HyLift-0 - Development and benchmarking of 1st generation HT-PEM/Li-Ion hybrid motive power system for forklifts

The overall purpose of the HyLift-0 project is to develop a first generation HT-PEM / Li-Ion fuel cell system for a class 3 forklift and benchmark this with an existing LT-PEM fuel cell system installed in an identical application. HT-PEM fuel cell has the potential for simplifying the balance of plant of the fuel cell which will make the system more efficient and has a high potential for price reduction. Trough benchmarking various HT-PEM fuel cell stacks will be tested in the lab of Teknologisk Institut. H2 Logic, Lithium Balance and Grundfos Management will develop the fuel cell system for the best/chosen HT-PEM stack. The fuel cell system will be optimized to high efficiency and a minimum of components. After successful development the fuel cell system will be benchmarked at a forklift truck customer site, where a 1st generation LT-PEM fuel cell system is currently in demonstration. The project participants will make a conclusion after the benchmarking where market potentials, target costs etc. will be evaluated and recommendations for following projects will be discussed

Project description

The objective of the project was to develop a first generation hybrid propulsion system based on the new HT-PEM fuel cell technology combined with advanced Li-Ion batteries and perform a benchmark and test the technology at an end-user. The benchmark should clarify if the combination of HT-PEM fuel cells and lithium-ion batteries was a disruptive technology compared to the known LT-PEM systems with lead-acid batteries. In the HyLIFT-0 project a HT-PEM/Li-Ion hybrid system for a forklift was developed and built. The system has been benchmark'et and tested against an LT-PEM system, at H2 Logic, in a test bench at the Teknologisk Institut and by an end user, Grene A/S. The following efficiencies were measrued for the two fuel cell systems: efficiency fuel cell (eta FC): 25 % (HT-PEM system) and 43% (LT-PEM system; efficiency fuel cell system (eta Modul): 20% (HT-PEM system) and 38% (LT-PEM system). The overall conclusion of the project is that HT-PEM/Li-Ion hybrid fuel cell system at the present stage of development is not a disruptive technology compared to known LT-PEM systems. There are numerous advantages of the system, but there are also some disadvantages, resulting that, overall, it is not a usable technology in forklifts - it is especially the long start-up time of up to 45 minutes that is unacceptable for the fork lifter user. The HT-PEM/Li-Ion system is relatively simple to build and it saves a number of components compared to the LT-PEM system, but the economic advantage of this is counterbalanced by the fuel cell being rather expensive and furthermore it has a relatively low efficiency. This will probably change over time when the technology completed development and volume increase

Key figures

2010 - 2010
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
1.65 mio. DKK
1.60 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
49 %
Project budget:
3.24 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
HyLift-0 - Udvikling og benchmarking af 1. generation HT-PEM/Li-Ion hybrid transport system til gaffeltrucks
Brint and fuelcells
Project type
Case no.



NEL Hydrogen (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S 0,03 mio. DKK 0,03 mio. DKK
NEL Hydrogen 0,68 mio. DKK 0,68 mio. DKK
Lithium Balance A/S 0,58 mio. DKK 0,58 mio. DKK
Teknologisk Institut 0,32 mio. DKK 0,32 mio. DKK


Karsten Poulsen
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