Demonstration of 2G bioethanol production. WP2: Construction and erection of demonstration plant

A demonstration facility has been erected at Kalundborg for production of 2G bioethanol based on straw. The facility was erected at the Asnæs plant in Kalundborg. The facility can produce 5.4 mill. litres of bioethanol, 13,100 tonne solid biofuel and 11,250 tonne animal feed per year. The project was added petrol, Bio95 2G, at about 100 of Statoils's petrol stations. The facility was designed taking into account minimum environemntal impacts, including process water recycling. Inbicon has also made its first sale of advisory services related this technology and its first sale of a technology license to Japan.

Project description

Application is amde for EUPD (Programme for Energy, technology Development and Demonstration) grants for a second generation (2G) bioethanol demonstration plant with the primary objective of demonstrating continous production of 2G bioethanol based on wheat straw as raw material. At the same time construction and operation of the plant must demonstrate the synergy effects of integration of the demonstration plant into a combined heat and power plant (CHP), an optimum utilisation of by-products, and a sustainable process with minimum environmental impacts. The 2G demonstration plant will be based on technology controlled by Inbicon, a DONG Energy subsidary company. This application concerns grants for the second out of three Work Packages (WP) for the demonstration plant. WP1, which received EUDP grants in December 2007, contains the development of the design basis for the demonstration plant. Subsequently, WP2 contains the construction of the demonstration plant from 2008-2009. The plant will start operation before the UN Climate Change Conference (COP15) in Copenhagen, November/December 2009. The demonstration plant will be placed at Asnæsværket power plant in Kalundborg with a capacity of 4 tonnes straw/hr. The demonstration plant is part of a larger demonstration platform, which in the long term aims to demonstrate the possibility of the utilisation of whole crops, other energy crops and industrial waste etc., and the possibility of synergies with new technologies.

Key figures

2008 - 2010
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
201.94 mio. DKK
54.20 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
21 %
Project budget:
256.14 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Demonstration af 2G bioethanolproduktion. WP2: Konstruktion og opførelse af demonstrationsanlæg
Bio and waste
Project type
Case no.


INBICON A/S (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
INBICON A/S 54,20 mio. DKK 165,28 mio. DKK


Persson, Michael
Comtact information

Inbicon A/S
Kraftværksvej 53
DK-7000 Fredericia, Danmark
Persson, Michael , 99552047,
Øvr. Partnere:

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