IEA, ETDE Executive Committee

Afdelingen for Informationsservice

The ETDE Executive Committee met in Madrid April 28 - 30, 1998. The meeting's most important decision was to offer the energy data base on web under the auspices of ETDE instead of leaving the availability of the database to commercial hosts alone giving no influence on search interface and pricing.

Project description

Under the IEA-ETDE (Energy Technology Data Exchange) agreement a common database is produced containing descriptions of journal articles, reports, books, conference papers etc. published in the member countries. The IEA-ETDE Executive Committee supervises and develops the cooperation in order to improve the coverage of the database (ongoing increase of number of member countries which at present is 20) and to use modern information technology for the production and accessibility of the database. The tasks of the executive committee also include planning of the common marketing activities. The decisions of the executive committee are binding for the member countries and the Operating Agent (US Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information). The executive committee and its technical working group each meets annually. In 1998 the committee meeting is held in Spain and the technical group meeting in the US


The Finnish committee member was asked to prepare the material for tendering based on input from the member countries, and all members were asked to investigate who should receive an offer to bid. The result was three bids, all of them being evaluated as relevant but also too expensive to be implemented within the present ETDE budget. At an extraordinary Committee Meeting in Paris January 1999 it was therefore decided to reject the three offers and instead choose a more simple but quite satisfactory solution based on US department of Energy's Information Bridge. The web-database will be opened to the users in October 1999. Birgit Pedersen is the Danish member of the ETDE Executive Committee.Technical Working Group meetings:The 4th Joint INIS/ETDE technical meeting and the 13th ETDE technical meeting took place in October 1999 in USA. The delegates at the INIS/ETDE meeting decided to continue work on a proposal for a common, simplified classification scheme. The proposal shall end up with a recommendation to the INIS Liaison Officer (ILO) meeting in May 1999 and to the ETDE executive Committee meeting in June 1999. A common and simplified classification scheme will simplify the input preparation and will be of advantage in information retrieval from the databases. The discussion of a simplification and revision of the existing rules of document registration continued. A subgroup was set up to clarify several outstanding issues, and it is planned that a proposal for a new set of rules will be presented at the next ILO and ETDE meetings.At the ETDE only meeting the most important issue was the evaluation of three bids for making the ETDEs database available on the World Wide Web. The delegates prepared a report which formed the basis for the discussions in the Executive Committee who were to reach the final decision.Line Nissen is the Danish member of the technical groups.

Key figures

1998 - 1998
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.05 mio. DKK
0.11 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
68 %
Project budget:
0.16 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
IEA, ETDE Executive Committee
Project type
Case no.


Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Pedersen, Birgit
Comtact information

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