Participation in IEA Wind Task 26: Cost of Wind Energy - task extension, phase 2

The objective of Task 26 is to provide information on cost of wind energy in order to understand past,

present and anticipate future trends using consistent transparent methodologies as well as understand

how wind technology compares to other generation options within the broader electric sector. Tast 26

will continue to add data and analysis, develop methodologies, and enhance collaboration.

The scope of IEA Wind Task 26 is to assemble and analyse estimates of past, present and future wind energy costs using transparent, consistent methodologies and disseminate this information in order to enable understanding and comparison of wind energy to other generation options within the broader electric sector.
Project description

The objective of Wind Task 26 is to provide information on cost of wind energy to understand past, present

and anticipate future trends using consistent transparent methodologies as well as understand how wind

technology compares to other generation options within the power sector. Task 26 will contribute new data

and analyses, develop methodologies, and enhance collaboration.

Expected results include

  • Enhanced international collaboration and coordination on the cost of wind energy
  • Updated data, analyses and understanding of onshore wind energy costs and comparison between contries
  • Identification of the primary offshore wind energy cost drivers and variation of these costs among participating contries
  • Collaborative journal articles summarizing and analyzing work conducted to understand trends in cost of energy
  • Workshop or wxperts meeting on methods to value wind energy and evaluate historical and future technology cost treds

Three work packages will be carried out


i. WP1: Update analysis of land-based wind technology cost drivers and differences among participating countries

   with current data

ii. WP2: Estimate cost of offshore wind energy and identify major cost drivers in each participating country

iii. WP3: Explore methods and applications of methods to understand future costs of wind energy and value of

wind energy in electric systems


Achieved results include:

• Enhanced international collaboration and coordination in the field of cost of wind energy

• Updated data, analysis and understanding of on-shore wind energy cost trends and comparison among countries

• Identification of the primary offshore wind energy cost drivers and the variation of these costs among participating countries

• Collaborative journal articles and publications summarizing and further analysing work conducted to understand trends in cost of energy

• Workshop or experts meeting on methods to value wind energy and methods to evaluate historical and future technology cost trends.

Key figures

2012 - 2016
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.36 mio. DKK
0.90 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
71 %
Project budget:
1.26 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Deltagelse i IEA Wind Task 26: Omkostninger ved vindkraft - fase 2
Project type
Case no.



EA ENERGIANALYSE A/S (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
J Lemming Rådgivning 0,08 mio. DKK 0,01 mio. DKK
EA ENERGIANALYSE A/S 0,81 mio. DKK 0,35 mio. DKK