Waste Heat Utilization in Fish Industry

Fish Protein

The purpose of this project is to design and test equipment that makes it possible to use low temperature waste heat for the cooking of industry fish instead of fuel based heat from a boiler. The main equipment is a heat exchanger capable of handling whole or roughly shredded fish without clogging.

Project description

The present project is part of a larger energy saving project for the company TripleNine, a supplier of fish meal and fish oil. The goal is to reduce the consumption of energy by using waste heat for process purposes instead of steam from boilers.
The project focuses on the first heating process in TripleNine’s process line, the heating/boiling of industrial fish, which represents an appreciable fraction of TripleNine’s energy consumption. The project goal is to develop a new concept for this heating process, and test it in lab/pilot scale. The objective is to find/design a heat exchanger type capable of performing the heat transfer at a low temperature difference and a stable flow of the non-homogenous product.

It is also desirable to design a heat exchanger type that gives the product a gentler treatment, and thereby ensures a better product.

The equipment for the project is delivered by project partner SiccaDania.

DHI and DONG participate in the project as independent subsuppliers (Thermal design , energy advisory etc.).

The project phases are:

  • Literature search regarding heat exchangers and heat exchange on non-homogenous products

  • Calculation/design of heat exchangers

  • Erection of pilot scale-plant

  • Test of pilot plant with different product compositions

  • Final reporting

Key figures

2016 - 2019
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
4.19 mio. DKK
3.58 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
46 %
Project budget:
7.77 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Udnyttelse af Spildvarme i Fiskeindustrien
Energy efficiency
Project type
Case no.



TrippleNine (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
TrippleNine 2,16 mio. DKK 3,24 mio. DKK
SiccaDania 1,42 mio. DKK 0,95 mio. DKK


Jacob Rasmussen
Comtact information

Sydhalevej 14

7680 Thyborøn

Contact email