Smart Energy Shopping Centers

The project develops and demonstrates technologies and market services ensuring energy flexibility for the energy intensive shopping centers. The holistic approach includes: Flexible indoor climate; Intelligent control; Energy consumption and supply; RE; Energy storages; Energy efficiency, Energy recovery and user behavior, needs and barriers. 

Project description
The project develops and demonstrates technologies and knowledge services that ensure the utilization of energy flexibility for the energy intensive shopping centers. The specific R & D objectives include flexible comfort band for indoor climate, CTS compatible controllers, models for calculating energy flexibility, intelligent HVAC controls, and development of HVAC solutions that can contribute to the energy flexibility. 
The innovative challenge is to link traditional energy efficiency with energy flexibility combining energy savings, energy form, energy storages, intelligent management, use and indoor climate. The energy improvements are thus seen in a changed technical and economic perspective, which increases the options for exploiting the flexibility. 
A particular challenge consists in this context of the interaction between the shopping center and individual shops, including supermarkets and other rentals, - partly due to the technical and management complexity, partly due to the centers' financial and operational priorities and requirements indoor climate, etc. 
The results include new innovative components and system solutions, intelligent controls, guidelines for knowledge services, business models and financial tools to use in the energy and energy flexible upgrade malls, supermarkets and chain stores.

Key figures

2016 - 2019
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
3.89 mio. DKK
6.15 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
61 %
Project budget:
10.04 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Smart Energy Butikscentre
Case no.



Teknologisk Institut (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Christian Holm Christiansen
Contact email