WEAL - Wear in Engines using Alternative Fuels

The IEA technology collaboration program for Advanced Motor Fuels (AMF) decided at the last ExCo meeting in May 2021 to start up a project entitled "Wear in Engines using Alternative Fuels" (Bilag 9). In AMF's member countries, and also in other countries, a number of critical conditions related to engine wear, caused by the use of various alternative fuels, have been identified. In particular, the effects of increased water content in the exhaust have been seen in connection with the use of fuels with a high H / C ratio (hydrogen, ammonia, methanol, biogas, etc.), as well as problems with the properties of lubricating oils in connection with the use of alcohols and bio-oils. The use of alternative fuels in engines, especially for truck and ship engines, is necessary to eliminate transport emissions of greenhouse gases by the year 2050. Therefore, it is important that wear problems caused by their use are addressed now that these problems has been revealed as the distribution of these fuels increases. The purpose of this project is to provide an overview of the experiences with wear problems caused by the use of alternative fuels on the basis of a general literature study, supported by specific projects carried out in AMF’s member countries. Denmark has been appointed project manager for this task, and it is expected that many countries will join the project, which so far has commitments from Finland and Germany. In addition, China and Switzerland have already stated their interest and are sorting out the formalities, at the time of writing. Other countries may also join the project in the future.

Project description

The IEA technology collaboration program for Advanced Motor Fuels (AMF) decided at the last ExCo meeting in May 2021 to start up a project entitled "Wear in Engines using Alternative Fuels". In AMF's member countries, and also in other countries, a number of critical conditions related to engine wear, caused by the use of various alternative fuels, have been identified. In particular, the effects of increased water content in the exhaust have been seen in connection with the use of fuels with a high H / C ratio (hydrogen, ammonia, methanol, biogas, etc.), as well as problems with the properties of lubricating oils in connection with the use of alcohols and bio-oils. The use of alternative fuels in engines, especially for truck and ship engines, is necessary to eliminate transport emissions of greenhouse gases by the year 2050. Therefore, it is important that wear problems caused by their use are addressed now that these problems has been revealed as the distribution of these fuels increases. The purpose of this project is to provide an overview of the experiences with wear problems caused by the use of alternative fuels on the basis of a general literature study, supported by specific projects carried out in AMF’s member countries. Denmark has been appointed project manager for this task, and it is expected that many countries will join the project, which so far has commitments from Finland and Germany. In addition, China and Switzerland have already stated their interest and are sorting out the formalities, at the time of writing. Other countries may also join the project in the future.

Key figures

2022 - 2024
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.45 mio. DKK
1.03 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
69 %
Project budget:
1.49 mio. DKK


Project type
Case no.


Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) 1,03 mio. DKK 0,45 mio. DKK


Jesper Schramm
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