Agile robot for complex welding in the energy sector

In the wind power industry manual welding is the most used manufacturing method, and automatized solutions are only used for linear welding tasks.

69% of all weldings performed in the wind industry are handheld and manual, which means that the work is cumbersome and performed under often dangerous conditions, involving hazardous materials, poisonous smoke, sedentary work, non-ergonomic working conditions, heat and radiating light, etc.

For wind energy to be considered sustainable in all ways, it is necessary to continuously improve working conditions while at the same time improve productivity and reduce the cost of energy.

Collaborative robots are fast to teach/programme and are designed for a safe working environment, making it realistic to move them in the production without complex processes to ensure health and safety of the workers. Although Denmark is at the forefront when it comes to implementing robot solutions, there is only one robot for every 100 welders in the industry. This results in both time and material being wasted, which means that 4% of the production costs of a wind turbine are attributable to welding. 

In this project, we expect to be able to reduce the costs of the welding tasks performed by the project partners using Uniwelco’s robot by 50%, proving that the global use of Uniwelco’s robot for at least 30% of the wind turbine manufacturing welding tasks will reduce the overall production costs by 0.7% leading to a potential annual saving of 2,404,596 tonnes CO2 five years post project.

Project description

The project is carried out by a consortium of three Danish partners: Uniwelco, Bladt and Valmont. The overall project consists of 6 work packages (WPs) and will be managed by Uniwelco. The project progress will be monitored through 7 milestones – 4 technical (TM) and 3 commercial (CM) and 13 deliverables (D).

The main work stream is delineated in six work packages:

Project management and coordination (WP1)

Three technical work packages cover the integration of the technological features in the current version of the robot (WP2), the implementation of the robot to make it movable and collaborative (WP3) and the testing and validation of the robots performed by the partners (WP4 and WP5). WP4 and WP5 will be a two-step process used for testing the robots: first the movable part of the robot will be tested and the safety issues will be address by each partner and later the collaborative robot integrated with the 3D laser scan will be tested. During this process the partners will give feedback to Uniwelco for improving the final product.

In the last and final work package (WP6) Uniwelco will implement the final version of the robot as well as disseminate the results.

Key figures

2023 - 2025
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
6.71 mio. DKK
7.81 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
54 %
Project budget:
14.52 mio. DKK


Project type
Case no.


Uniwelco ApS (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Uniwelco ApS 6,01 mio. DKK 4,01 mio. DKK
BLADT INDUSTRIES A/S 0,99 mio. DKK 1,48 mio. DKK
Valmont SM A/S 0,81 mio. DKK 1,22 mio. DKK


Henrik Overgaard
Comtact information

Adresse: Jens Juuls vej 15
Tlf.: +45 70602062

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